How we help

The support we provide to carers is what carers tell us they need. We know caring can be rewarding, but we also know that it can feel lonely, confusing and frustrating at times. Our Carer Support Service team aim to give carers a sense of feeling looked after and cared for, whilst they look after and care for everybody else.

Through our groups we connect carers to other carers who benefit from the safe space we provide to develop friendships, problem-solve, as well as share coping mechanisms. We aim to give carers a voice and confidence in their roles, particularly the huge value of what they do.

We arrange regular activities, trips and breaks to give carers time out from their usual routine. We also provide information to help navigate caring roles. We do this through telephone support and groups, as well as through our monthly newsletter.

You can find details about our upcoming groups on the events page.

If you would like to talk to a member of the team about how we can support you, please email or call 07415 436 382.

“Helping me realise the role I play. How important my caring role is and being recognised/appreciated instead of feeling not very worthy – gives me confidence”

“A huge support, understanding and a friend”

“It is a lifeline and a source of information and connection with people and issues”

This is what we do

Carers telephone support

Telephone support

We are at the other end of the phone for a friendly chat or to find out specific information about your caring role.

Carer groups and activities

Groups and activities

Come to one our monthly support groups, pop to a local café for a coffee meeting or join a walk.  You’re very welcome.

Carer Trips and breaks

Trips and breaks

We arrange days out and short breaks so you can recharge your batteries.