Useful links

If you are a carer you are entitled to a carer’s assessment no matter what type of care you provide or what your financial situation is. You don’t have to live with the person you care for and you don’t need to care full-time to have an assessment. Many carers are juggling paid employment and care which has a big impact on their life. A carer’s assessment should look at the support you need to help you to continue in your caring role, if this is what you want to do.

Carers Manchester Contact Point

Carers Manchester Contact Point

Manchester City Counci

Cost of Living Helpline (Manchester City Council)

0800 023 2692

Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:30pm
Support with benefits and help with rent, debt advice, advice about paying bills, food support and support getting online

Citizens Advice Manchester

Citizens Advice Manchester

Advice Line: 0808 278 7800

Advice on a wide range of issues. Various hubs around Manchester



Call 116 123 for someone to talk to about how you feel anytime, day or night

This is what we do

Carers telephone support

Telephone support

We are at the other end of the phone for a friendly chat or to find out specific information about your caring role.

Carer groups and activities

Groups and activities

Come to one our monthly support groups, pop to a local café for a coffee meeting or join a walk.  You’re very welcome.

Carer Trips and breaks

Trips and breaks

We arrange days out and short breaks so you can recharge your batteries.